The Akhal-Teke

The graceful, intelligent, sensitive, fearless, and athletic golden horses of Central Asia were known and revered by the peoples of Asia for more than 4,000 years. Archeological excavations in Turkmenistan and in high elevation frozen graves in the Pazyryk kurgans uncovered remains of refined horses of Akhal-Teke type, buried with their noble masters at the time of the Scythians. Recent DNA studies at the University of Kentucky confirm Akhal-Teke as the earliest domesticated breed of horses.

Kazakh on horse While the horses were well known and desired by many, they were never plentiful and were always ferociously guarded. After all, they were the best, the ultimate highest technology in warfare and survival, and no nation gives up voluntarily such treasure to potential enemies. Over the thousands of years, many rulers desired to posses these 'argamaks'. Chinese emperor Wu-ti's second army expedition to Ferghana captured and brought back to China a few horses, after it came back empty handed from the first expedition.
The Emperor then started a huge breeding program, and eventually his army easily defeated their enemies who were riding smaller inferior Mongolian horse. Chinese Han empire was expanded, and the Chinese wall helped protect the territory. Alexander's famous horse Bucephalos was an Akhal-Teke, and so was Ghengis Khan's mount, to name a few.